
Keloid Treatment at Dr. Samatha Clinic in Hyderabad

Keloids are raised scars that form as an aggressive response to skin injuries like burns, cuts, or abrasions. These fibrous tissues grow over the wound, often appearing larger than the original injury. Though not harmful, keloids can be a cosmetic concern causing emotional distress. At Dr. Samatha Clinic in Hyderabad, Dr. Samatha, a skilled skin specialist, offers effective keloid scar treatments to achieve a smooth and even skin texture.

Signs and Symptoms of Keloids

Keloids develop gradually or quickly, typically 3 to 12 months after the initial skin damage. They may spread rapidly, tripling in size within months. Common signs include:

  1. Pruritic skin patches that are tender or painful during the keloid’s formation.
  2. The affected area may appear skin-colored, red, or pink and eventually darken, becoming darker than normal skin.
  3. Raised, ridged, or lumpy skin that is shiny and hairless.
  4. Varying skin texture, such as soft, firm, or rubbery.
  5. Keloid size depends on the original wound size and when the keloid growth halted.
  6. Irritation caused by friction against another surface.
  7. In rare cases, large, tight keloids may cover significant body areas and restrict movement.

Common Causes and Risk Factors

Keloids form due to excessive collagen production by fibroblasts over the wound. Common skin injuries leading to keloid scarring include:

  1. Acne scars
  2. Ear or body piercings
  3. Burns
  4. Chickenpox scars
  5. Sites of vaccination
  6. Surgical incisions
  7. Minor skin scratches or bumps
  8. Insect bites
  9. Hair removal
  10. Wearing tightly braided hair

Risk factors include pregnancy, family history, and being of Asian, African, or Hispanic descent (with brown or black skin).

Best Keloid Treatments at Dr. Samatha Clinic

Effective keloid treatment becomes necessary if discomfort or limited body movement occurs. Some seek treatment for cosmetic purposes. Based on the patient’s condition, a combination of treatments is recommended. At Dr. Samatha Clinic, we offer the following options:

– Medications: Corticosteroid injections to constrict blood vessels, shrink the scar, and reduce inflammation. This helps alleviate itching, tenderness, and swelling. Cryotherapy: Using cold liquid nitrogen to freeze the keloid from the inside out, shrinking its size and hardness (suitable for small scars). Pressure Therapy: Apply compression garments, dressings, or pressure earrings for 6 to 12 months to cut blood flow and inhibit keloid regrowth (usually done after keloid surgery). Laser Resurfacing: Using high beams of light in pulses to flatten large keloids and fade their color. This is performed in multiple sessions with intervals. Silicone Sheets & Gels: Used along with pressure therapy to flatten keloids and prevent recurrence.

Other treatment options include Ligature (tying a surgical thread at the keloid base to cut blood supply) and Surgical Removal (when other treatments are ineffective).

Consult Dr. Samatha, a renowned dermatologist in Hyderabad, to understand the factors causing keloids and the most effective treatment plan. Our goal is to provide the best results and address keloid scars effectively, restoring confidence and comfort to our patients.